Tomy Jung Memorial Scholarship (Psychology)

To provide a scholarship for a student majoring in Psychology that has suffered from early academic problems, but is on track now.


  • Must be a Psychology Major;
  • Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA;
  • Must be an Undergraduate with either Junior/Senior class standing;
  • Must be enrolled Full-time (12 units) or Graduate (6 units);
  • Must be a continuing student.

Additional Scholarship Information:

  • Provide a “second chance” for a student who for whatever reasons, suffered early academic problems but has since made sustained (at least two semesters) substantial academic improvement
  • First preference should be an undergraduate student who meets the original criteria
  • If no qualified applicants exist the committee may consider a graduate student who meets the original criteria
  • This scholarship is restricted to paying state tuition and mandatory campus fees (or tuition) only. Should you be eligible for other awards and waivers that are also restricted to paying only state tuition and mandatory campus fees (State University Grant, Cal Grant, fee waivers, etc.), adjustments to your aid package will be required so that the combined total from all of these programs does not exceed the actual tuition and mandatory campus fees you are required to pay.

Tomy Jung
up to $1,750.00 for Tuition and Fees Only
College of Liberal Arts, Psychology
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your unofficial transcript from MyCSULB. Submit in .pdf format only.
  2. Semester Performance Information
    • 1. Please indicate the semester(s) during which your academic performance suffered. Include in your answer the semester(s), year(s), and GPA(s) at the end of the semester (e.g., Fall 2015 - 2.3 GPA; Spring 2016 - 2.0 GPA).
    • 2. Please include a description of any obstacles, challenges, or circumstances that impacted your academic performance during this time.
    • 3. Please indicate the semester(s) during which your academic performance improved. Include in your answer the semester(s), year(s), and GPA(s) at the end of the semester (e.g., Fall 2015 - 3.5 GPA; Spring 2016 - 4.0 GPA).
    • 4. Please describe what you did to improve your academic standing during this time.
  3. Please describe how you have demonstrated a commitment to the field of psychology.
  4. List your fieldwork and other Psychology-related experience outside of the University.
    Please provide a reference name and e-mail from a non-family member.
    Note: The reference you provide may be used in the review process for this scholarship.