Catherine Allen Student Award

To provide a scholarship for a student majoring in communication studies, preference in student government.


  • Must have 3.0 GPA minimum;
  • Must be a communication studies major;
  • Preference for those involved in student government.

Catherine A. Allen
Up to $1,100.00
College of Liberal Arts, Communication Studies
Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit one (1) representative paper evidencing your ability or potential to write a scholarly paper. You are encouraged to submit a sample of your best scholarship; however, papers true to your identified methodology and content interests will be weighted more favorably than papers that reflect methods and topics contrary to your personal statement.
  2. REFERENCE: Please provide a FACULTY reference name and e-mail. This reference must be from a recent professor.
    Note: The reference you provide may be used in the review process for this scholarship.
  3. REFERENCE: Please provide an ACADEMIC REFERENCE name and e-mail. The reference may be from a professor or faculty with unique insight into your merits.

    Note: The reference you provide may be used in the review process for this scholarship.
  4. Please upload your Curriculum Vitae. Submit in .pdf format only.