METRIC 2 - Mentored Excellence Toward Research and Industry Careers (TIER 1 Application)

METRIC 2 Program Information and Eligibility

METRIC 2 students receive need-based scholarships and participate in activities designed to facilitate their scholastic and professional development and to prepare them for careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Please be sure you meet all stated criteria below before applying. You can find more information about METRIC 2 at

METRIC 2 is currently recruiting from the following programs:
TWO (2) in Geology/Earth Science
TWO (2) in Chemistry
TWO (2) in Physics
ONE (1) in CECS

Selected students will:

  • Receive a need-based scholarship up to $15,000/year to enable the student to focus on their scholastic potential;
    A portion of this funding may be restricted to paying state tuition and mandatory campus fees (or tuition) only. Should you be eligible for other awards and waivers that are also restricted to paying only state tuition and mandatory campus fees (State University Grant, Cal Grant, fee waivers, etc.), adjustments to your aid package will be required so that the combined total from all of these programs does not exceed the actual tuition and mandatory campus fees you are required to pay.
  • Attend workshops and activities designed to provide specialized training that will support their career and leadership development;
  • Meet regularly with a faculty mentor in the student’s major to help keep the student on track to their degree;
  • Receive funding to attend and present at conferences;
  • Receive funding that supports their academic success (For example, tutoring and GRE fee);
  • Be in a lifelong network of students in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences.

To be eligible for the METRIC 2 program, you must:

  • Be enrolled at least half-time (6 Units) at CSULB as an undergraduate student;
    (Post-baccalaureate/second bachelor students are not eligible.)
  • Be a declared BS-major or BS-pre-major in Chemistry, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Earth Science, Geology, Mathematics, Statistics, Mathematics Education, or Physics;
  • Be a Legal U.S. Citizen or Legal U.S. Permanent Resident;
  • Be eligible for need-based financial aid based on their Financial Aid Application;
  • Agree to participate in the program activities;
  • Agree to provide tracking data and be part of longitudinal research and tracking of graduate studies or professional placement. CSULB will provide the appropriate forms and will work with alumni members to submit the tracking information.

Up to $15,000/year
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, METRIC