Rotary District 5320 Global Grant Scholarship

The Rotary Foundation’s oldest and best-known program was the Ambassadorial Scholarship program, established in 1947. Since that time, more than 41,000 men and women from 130 nations have studied abroad under its auspices. Rotary District 5320 seeks out applicants who can be outstanding Ambassadors of Goodwill. The purpose of the Global Grant Scholarship Program is to help prepare students for careers in one of Rotary’s seven Areas of Focus and to foster international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries. Rotary District 5320 is pleased to announce that we are continuing this wonderful program by offering District 5320 Global Grant Scholarships for graduate study abroad. District 5320 is offering scholarships for the upcoming academic year and is open to receiving applications.


Needs to be a graduate student studying abroad for one year and is interested in one of Rotary’s seven Area of Focus:

  1. Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
  2. Disease Prevention and Treatment
  3. Water and Sanitation
  4. Maternal and Child Health
  5. Basic Education and Literacy
  6. Economic and Community Development
  7. Protecting the Environment

For more information regarding this scholarship, please contact Joyoti Banerji (Chair 2022-2023) at or John Mathews (Chair 2023-2024) at


  • The suggested External Opportunities on this site are provided for informational purposes only.
  • Inclusion in the listing does not constitute an endorsement by CSU, Long Beach.
  • CSU, Long Beach cannot guarantee the accuracy or the timelines of information found at any of the links in the listing. It is critical that you verify the scholarship information, particularly where deadlines are concerned.

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