Robert E. and Margaret B. Jones

Robert E. and Margaret B. Jones

Margaret, the daughter of John and Dorette Busch, was born in Katonah, New York, on May 21, 1922. From the moment she entered first grade she wanted to be a teacher. Margaret played the piano, organ, trumpet and trombone, she had many musical opportunities in church and in the school orchestra and band.

As expected Margaret majored in music when she entered Barnard College at Columbia University in 1940. After 3 years there, she transferred across the street to the Teachers College division where she received a B.S. degree in Elementary Education. Her first three years of teaching were spent in Malverne, New York.

Dreams of traveling came true when she secured a teaching position in California. Joining three other teaching friends, she had a memorable motor trip across country, stopping along the way at all the famous points of interest. After a year of teaching in Bellflower, Margaret accepted a position in Long Beach where she spent the major part of her career in education. Summer visits to relatives in New York State were combined with continued course work at Columbia where she received her MA in 1951. She served as elementary principal in four Long Beach schools (Willard, Addams, Monroe, Birney) between 1953 and 1984. During a sabbatical leave in 1957-1958, Stanford University employed her to supervise an experimental program for beginning teachers while she did some advanced course work.

Margaret said that her marriage to Bob was the best decision she ever made. Bob taught 6th grade, junior high and was an educational specialist for those with learning difficulties. He was particularly fond of Camp High Hill, a conservation camp in the San Bernardino mountains that LBUSD owned for hands-on science classes. Since they had the same vacation from the school business, it was easy to arrange traveling. These travels became more frequent after retirement and their move to beautiful Three Rivers. Here a country life of hiking and gardening was enriched by friendships made in square dancing and a variety of club activities. She especially enjoyed her volunteer work in her church where she served as elder, deacon, choir member, and coordinator of the Presbyterian Woman’s Group. In 2006 the couple moved to Quail Park, Visalia, where they happily participated in many of the activities and celebrated 53 years of marriage in 2012.

Robert (Bob) Jones Bob, the youngest of four children, was born in Havelock, Nebraska on September 3, 1922. His school years were spent in Nebraska City and Omaha where he graduated from Omaha Tech. In 1940 he joined his two sisters who already were living in California. The life-changing World War II motivated him to volunteer first for the Merchant Marine and then the Army Air Force, where he spent 3 years, 3 months and 3 days.

After returning to California and leaving the Air Force, Bob met the challenges of higher education at Long Beach City College, USC, and Long Beach State College. He was president of the first class to graduate from the latter institution and received his BA in 1950. Following three years of teaching in the elementary schools of Upland and Norwalk, Bob returned to California State University, Long Beach, to get his MA in Education. 1954 was the beginning of Bob’s 26 years of teaching in Long Beach. It was a varied career: elementary, junior high and college, regular 6th grade classes and classes for the emotionally disturbed. His favorite teaching was in the Long Beach outdoor conservation/science program on the trails of Camp Hi Hill, 4,000 feet above Pasadena. Bob married the former Margaret Busch in 1959. Since they had the same vacations from their work, it was easy to arrange for traveling. His friendly approach added joy and encouragement to others.

The College of Education (CED) expresses gratitude to all scholarship donors who continue to enhance the quality of education students experience at CSULB.


Robert and Margaret Jones created this scholarship to help outstanding students become great educators. This scholarship is awarded to a student in the Liberal Studies – Integrated Teacher Education Program, Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Program, or the Administrative Credential Programs.

Robert and Margaret Jones Scholarship Fund
