Barbara Ward

Barbara Ward

CSULB’s most eminent Library Media Teacher (LMT) program coordinator (1968-1980), Barbara Ann Ward, passed away on September 2, 2003. In her memory, a scholarship was established with donations from friends of the Library Media Program, family, and her partner, Dr. Helen Newcastle. When Advisory Board member Richard Moore heard about Dr. Ward’s death, he was moved to write, “The marvelous lady who got me started in this business has passed away. For me, she was the one who smiled and said “Of course!” when I first suggested to her that I might become a librarian. She was always there for advice and counsel, and made sure the kid who was finding his way got some help from CSLA’s scholarship fund.”

Barbara would smile when you challenged an assignment, and allow you to talk yourself into a larger assignment just so something new could be created. Her enthusiasm for her vocation was so contagious that you wouldn’t notice the increase until you were nearly done. And then she’d get you to do it again. It wasn’t enough to become an excellent librarian. She would bring you back to share your stories with the new recruits, promote your activity in the professional associations (then CASL and CAEMAT), and send new candidates to do fieldwork so you’d have to get your act together and replicate her teachings. And she was a joyous spirit. Serious about her and our work, her smile was easily triggered and her delight in your victories was genuine.

Dr. Ward was born on March 4, 1930, in Idaho, died September 2, 2003 in Huntington Beach, California. Barbara earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Washington. She moved to California and earned her Doctorate in Education from U.S.C. She was the coordinator of the School Library Credential Program at C.S.U.L.B. until her retirement in 1980.

In 2017, numerous colleagues, students, former students, and organizations such as the California School Library Foundation came together to turn this fund into a permanent endowment.

The College of Education (CED) expresses gratitude to all scholarship donors who continue to enhance the quality of education students experience at CSULB.


The Teacher Librarian Scholarship in memory of Barbara Ward is awarded in honor of Emerita Professor Barbara Ward. This scholarship is awarded to a Library Media student with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
